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Abstraks: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menerapkan pembelajaran terpadu Guided Exploration – Connecting pada materi perbandingan, fungsi, persamaan, dan identitas trigonometri dalam pemecahan masalah pada mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan Matematika STKIP PGRI Blitar. Pada setiap awal tindakan, peneliti memberikan penjelasan tentang keterkaitan materi sebelumnya dengan materi yang akan dipelajari. Untuk mengetahui pemahaman tentang konsep prasyarat, peneliti mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan yang mengarah pada meteri yang akan dipelajari. Ketuntasan belajar individu sebesar 70% atau dengan nilai 70 dari 100. Apabila hasil pencapaian siswa kurang dari 70% maka mahasiswa tersebut belum tuntas dalam belajar. Sedangkan untuk prosentase ketuntasan klasikal adalah 70%. Apabila hasil pencapaian tersebut tidak terpenuhi, maka kelas tersebut belum tuntas. Aktivitas peneliti dan mahasiswa dalam kegiatan pembelajaran dapat dikatakan berhasil jika prosentasenya paling rendah 70%. Dari hasil evaluasi dapat diketahui bahwa ketuntasan klasikal adalah 86,21%. Dari 35 mahasiswa yang mengikuti evaluasi sebanyak 31 mahasiswa mencapai ketuntasan dan 4 mahasiswa yang lainnya belum tuntas. Prosentase aktivitas peneliti dan mahasiswa juga meningkat. Presentase aktivitas peneliti meningkat sebesar 7,41% dari 72,22% menjadi 79,63%. Sedangkan prosentase aktivitas mahasiswa juga an dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan pembelajaran terpadu Guided Exploration – meningkat sebesar 9,26% dari 74,07% menjadi 83,33%. Berdasarkan kriteria keberhasil Connecting telah berhasil dan mencapai kriteria yang telah ditetapkan. Kata kunci: pembelajaran terpadu guided exploration -connecting, mahasiswa. Abstracs: The purpose of this study is to implement an integrated learning Guided Exploration - Connecting the comparison material, functions, equations, and trigonometric identities in solving problems in Mathematics Education Program students STKIP PGRI Blitar. At the beginning of each act, the researcher explained the previous material relationship with the material to be studied. To find an understanding of prerequisite concepts, researchers asked a few questions that will lead to material to be studied. Passing grade of 70% or an individual with a score of 70 out of 100. If the result of the achievement of students is less than 70% then the student has not completed the study. As for the classical completeness percentage is 70%. If the results of these milestones are not met, then the class is not yet complete. Activities of researchers and students in learning activities can be said to be successful if the percentage is 70% lower. From the evaluation results can be known that the classical completeness is 86.21%. Of the 35 students who attend the evaluation as many as 31 students achieve mastery and 4 other students who have not completed. Percentage of researchers and students activity also increased. Percentage activity of researchers increased by 7.41% from 72.22% to 79.63%. While the percentage of student activity is also increased by 9.26% from 74.07% to 83.33%. Based on the success criteria can be concluded that the application of integrated learning Guided Exploration - Connecting been successful and achieve the established criteria. Passing grade of 70% or an individual with a score of 70 out of 100. If the result of the achievement of students is less than 70% then the student has not completed the study. As for the classical completeness percentage is 70%. If the results of these milestones are not met, then the class is not yet complete. Activities of researchers and students in learning activities can be said to be successful if the percentage is 70% lower. From the evaluation results can be known that the classical completeness is 86.21%. Of the 35 students who attend the evaluation as many as 31 students achieve mastery and 4 other students who have not completed. Percentage of researchers and students activity also increased. Percentage activity of researchers increased by 7.41% from 72.22% to 79.63%. While the percentage of student activity is also increased by 9.26% from 74.07% to 83.33%. Based on the success criteria can be concluded that the application of integrated learning Guided Exploration - Connecting been successful and achieve the established criteria. Kata kunci: integrated learning guided exploration -connecting, students.
Item Type: | Article |
Subjects: | L Education > L Education (General) |
Divisions: | Faculty of Law, Arts and Social Sciences > School of Education |
ID Code: | 202 |
Deposited By: | DRS. KADENI, SE.,M.Pd .,MM |
Deposited On: | 17 Oct 2013 12:45 |
Last Modified: | 17 Oct 2013 12:46 |
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