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Abstraks: Beberapa permasalahan budaya politik di Indonesia yang perlu diperhatikan diantaranya adalah Konfigurasi sub kultur yang beraneka ragam, budaya politik yang bersifat parokial, sifat ikatan primordial yang masih kuat, kecenderungan budaya politik Indonesia yang masih mengukuhi sikap paternalisme dan sifat patrimonial, dan dilema interaksi tentang introduksi modernisasi yang telah berakar sebagai tradisi dalam masyarakat. Pengembangan keterampilan partisipasi politik sebagai salah satu keterampilan dalam PKn diharapkan agar siswa dapat menerapkan strategi pengembangan kepekaan politik, dan dapat menerapkan strategi pengembangan pembelajar-an partisipasi politik. Didalam Pkn terdapat teknik yang digunakan yaitu Teknik mengklarifikasi nilai yang disebut VCT (Values Clarification Techniques) merupakan salah satu teknik meng-klarifikasi nilai, afektif dan masalah-masalah perasaan atau emosional termasuk kepekaan seseorang. Kepekaan politik akan dapat terjadi apabila setiap guru dalam proses belajar mengajar selalu melibatkan semua siswa dalam aktivitas pembelajaran di kelas maupun di luar sekolah secara terencana dan terprogram. Kata kunci: budaya politik, pendidikan kewarganegaraan, proses pembelajaran. Abstract: Political culture is a pattern of individual behavior and orientation toward political life lived by the members of a political system. Political culture is more easily recognizable concretely through the introduction of the visible manifestation in the form of political attitudes. With the inclusion of advanced technology as well as the exchange or contact with outside cultures and civilizations, the Indonesian political system should be able to take into account the pressures of certain political culture. Some issues in Indonesian political culture that need to be considered include the configuration of diverse sub-culture, political culture in the form of parochial, the nature of primordial ties are still strong, the tendency of Indonesian political culture that still make strong attitude of paternalism and patrimonial nature, and the interaction of the introduction of modernization dilemma as a tradition that has its roots in the community. One means of political socialization is very strategic in relation to the educational process is through the institution of the school, namely in the field of civic education study. Civics lesson that one of its goals is to establish a good citizen of Indonesia requires the participation of citizens, including the students to participate in civic life and state. Develop skills of political participation as one of skill in the Civics expected for students to apply the strategy of development of political sensitivity, and can apply learning development strategy of political participation. Civics in the techniques used are the values clarification technique called VCT (Values Clarification Techniques) is one technique ¬ values clarification, and affective problems or emotional feelings, including a person’s sensitivity. Political sensitivity arises because there is an individual experience than ever before. Political sensitivity will be happened if every teacher in the learning process always involves all students in learning activities in the classroom and outside the school in a planned and programmed. Keywords: political culture, citizenship education, learning process
Item Type: | Article |
Subjects: | L Education > L Education (General) |
Divisions: | Faculty of Law, Arts and Social Sciences > School of Education |
ID Code: | 210 |
Deposited By: | DRS. KADENI, SE.,M.Pd .,MM |
Deposited On: | 19 Oct 2013 07:45 |
Last Modified: | 19 Oct 2013 07:46 |
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