Varia, Virdania Virdaus (2014) ERRORS ON WRITING MADE BY THE STUDENTS OF LAW FACULTY. Cakrawala Pendidikan, 16 (1). pp. 110-116. ISSN 1410-9883
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Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi dan mendeskripsikan macammacan error yang di lakukan oleh mahasiswa tingkat satu Fakultas Hukum universitas Narotama. Dari hasil analisis dan diskusi dapat disimpilkan bahwa error yang dilakukan mahasiswa dikatagorikan ke dalam 4 jenis error yang didasarkan pada surface strategy taxonomy. Yaitu: Omission Error, Addition Error, Misformation Error, and Misordering Error. Hasil penelitian adalah sebagai berikut: 1) Errors of Omission (OM) adalah 41. 36%; 2) Error of Addition (AD) adalah 11.11%; 3) Misformation (MF) adalah 46.36%; 4) Misordering (MO) adalah 1.23%. diluar dari ketiga error tersebut, Misformation (MF) memiliki error yang paling dominan yaitu (46.30 %) Kata kunci: morphological, error, and writing Abstract: The purposes of this research are Identifying and describing the types of errors made by the first year students of Law Faculty of Narotama University. From the result of analysis and the discussion in this preliminary survey, it can be concluded that the errors that the students made categorized into four types of errors based on the surface strategy taxonomy. They are Omission Error, Addition Error, Misformation Error, and Misordering Error. The result of the research are as follows:1) Errors of Omission (OM) are 41. 36%; 2) Error of Addition (AD) are 11.11%; 3) Misformation (MF) are 46.36%; 4) Misordering (MO) are 1.23%. Out of the three error, the misformation error was the most dominant type of errors. There were (46,30%). Key Words: morphological, error, and writing
Item Type: | Article |
Subjects: | L Education > L Education (General) |
Divisions: | Faculty of Law, Arts and Social Sciences > School of Education |
ID Code: | 308 |
Deposited By: | DRS. KADENI, SE.,M.Pd .,MM |
Deposited On: | 20 Oct 2014 12:22 |
Last Modified: | 20 Oct 2014 12:22 |
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