Rahmawati, Herlina (2016) TEACHING WRITING OF DESCRIPTIVE ESSAY USING THINK, TALK, WRITE (TTW). Cakrawala Pendidikan, 18 (1). pp. 47-53. ISSN 1410-9883
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Abstrak : Kesulitan mahasiswa dalam menulis descriptive essay adalah menggambatkan objek yang ditulis secara detail, urut dankoheren ag$ pembaca bisa membayangkan dan memahami objek yang ditulis dalam essiy iersebut. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, penulis ingin membahas salah situ metode mengajar descriptive essay, yaitu Think, Talk, write. Metode ini membangun semangat siswa untuk berfikir, berdiskusi dan menulisnya kembali berdasarkan topic yang dibahas. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membuktikan apakah metode Think, Talk, write (TTw) lebih efektif dalam meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam menulis descriptive essay daripada metode konvensional. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, metode TTW terbukti lebih efektif dalam meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam menulis descriptive essay. Kata Kunci: pengajaran, menulis ,descriptive esssAy, think, talk, write (TTW) Abstract: Students'problem in writing descriptive essay is to describe the object in detail, in spatial order and coherent in order to the readirs can imagine the object they write in the descriptive essay. Based on the problem above, the writer would like to discuss one of methods in teaching descriptive essay; it is Think, Talk, Write (TTW). This method encourages the students torthink, talir, and write based on the particulartopic. Think-Talk-Write Strategy is used to develop the writing fluently and exercise the language before write them. The aim of this study iito provL whettrer Think, talk, Write (TTW) method is more effective to increase stuients' writing ability than conventional method. Based on the result of this study, TTW method is more effective in increasing students'writing ability in descriptivl essay. KeyWords : teaching, writing, descriptive essay, think, talk, write (TTW)
Item Type: | Article |
Subjects: | L Education > L Education (General) |
Divisions: | Faculty of Law, Arts and Social Sciences > School of Education |
ID Code: | 566 |
Deposited By: | DRS. KADENI, SE.,M.Pd .,MM |
Deposited On: | 05 Nov 2017 22:06 |
Last Modified: | 05 Nov 2017 22:06 |
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