Virdaus, Varia Virdania (2016) COMPLEX SENTENCE FOUND IN THE JAKARTA. Cakrawala Pendidikan, 17 (1). pp. 103-110. ISSN 1410-9883
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Abstak: Objek penelitian ini adalah kalimat majemuk yang di temukan di surat kabar Jakarta Post dan pertanyaan penelitiannya adalah 1) jenis kalimat majemuk apa yang ditemukan di berita criminal surat kabar Jakarta Post, 2) kalimat majemuk apa yang sering dipakai di berita criminal. Metode penelitian yang di pakai adalah deskriptif kwantitatif. Objek penelitian ini adalah kalimat majemuk yang ada di dalam berita criminal Jakarta Post. Hasil penelitian: : Noun clause berjumlah 67 (38.95%) di ikuti oleh deJining adiective clause (person) 48 (2790%), ke tiga adalah adverbial clause of time 30 (17.44%), ke empat adalah de/iningadjective clause (thing) tB (10,46%).Ke lima adverbial clause of time 4 (2.32%). Ke enam adalah detining adjective clause (place) 4 (2.32%). Terakhir adalah deJining adjective clause (time) I (0.58%). Kata kunci: kalimat majemuk, anak kalimat pengganti kata sifat, anak klaimat pengganti kata keterangan, anak kalimat pengganti kata benda Abstack: The object of the study was complex sentences found criminal news of the Jakartat Post and the research questions were as follow : l)what kinds of complex sentence found criminal news of The Jakarta Post, 2) what complex sentences frequently appeared in criminal news of the Jakarta Post, while the purposes were as follows : 1) to find out the kinds of complex sentences and2) to find out the frequency of occurrence of complex sentences found in criminal news. The research of method of this study was descriptive quantitative. The object of this study was complex sentences found criminal news of The Jakarta Post. The result of the analysis could be summarized as follows: noun clauses 67 (38.95%) then followed by defining adjective clause (person) 48 (27 .90o/o), the third was adverbial clause of time 30 (17.44%), fourth was defining adjective clause (thing) 18 (10.46%). fifth was adverbial clause of time 4 (2.32%). Sixth was defining adjective clause (place) 4 (2.32%), The last was defining adjective clause (time) 1 (0.58%). Keywords: complex sentences, adjective clauses, adverb clauses, noun clauses
Item Type: | Article |
Subjects: | L Education > L Education (General) |
Divisions: | Faculty of Law, Arts and Social Sciences > School of Education |
ID Code: | 643 |
Deposited By: | DRS. KADENI, SE.,M.Pd .,MM |
Deposited On: | 09 Nov 2017 21:17 |
Last Modified: | 09 Nov 2017 21:17 |
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