Miranu , Triantoro (2021) MENINGKATKAN PROFESIONALISME GURU DALAM MEWUJUDKAN PROFIL PELAJAR PANCASILA. Cakrawala Pendidikan, 25 (2). pp. 107-119. ISSN 1410-9883
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Official URL: http://digilib.stkippgri-blitar.ac.id/
Abstrak: Guru mempunyai peran yang sentral dan strategis dalam mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa, oleh karenanya profesi guru harus dilakukan secara professional dengan senantiasa memperhatikan standar minimum dan kriteria yang harus dimiliki, terutama terkait dengan kualifikasi akademik, kompetensi pedagogi, personal/kepribadian, sosial maupun professional, termasuk sertifikat pendidik yang menunjukkan penghargaan atas kinerja professional yang telah dilakukan. Tanggungjawab moral yang diemban oleh guru professional adalah mempersiapkan generasi muda Indonesia seutuhnya yang mampu mencerminkan profil Pelajar Pancasila, yang memiliki enam ciri utama: beriman, bertakwa kepada Tuhan YME dan berakhlak mulia, berkebinekaan global, bergotong royong, mandiri, bernalar kritis, dan kreatif. Untuk dapat mengemban amanat dan tanggung jawabnya, maka perlu dilakukan usaha untuk meningkatkan profesionalisme guru melalui beberapa langkah, baik secara mandiri, berkolaborasi maupun yang dilakukan oleh sebuah lembaga dengan perencanaan yang matang. Dengan demikian diharapkan Pancasila benar-benar bersemayam dalam jiwa sanubari para generasi muda/pelajar sebagai generasi penerus perjuangan bangsa. Kata Kunci: Profesionalisme guru, profil pelajar pancasila Abstract: Teachers have a central and strategic role in educating the nation's life, therefore the teaching profession must be carried out professionally by always paying attention to the minimum standards and criteria that must be possessed, especially related to academic qualifications, pedagogical competence, personal/personality, social and professional, including an educator certificate showing appreciation for the professional performance that has been done. The moral responsibility that is carried out by professional teachers is to prepare Indonesia's young generation as a whole who is able to reflect the profile of Pancasila Students, who have six main characteristics: faith, fear of God Almighty and noble character, global diversity, mutual cooperation, independence, critical reasoning, and creativity. To be able to carry out the mandate and responsibilities, it is necessary to make efforts to improve the professionalism of teachers through several steps, either independently, collaborating or carried out by an institution with careful planning. Thus, it is hoped that Pancasila will truly reside in the hearts of the younger generation/students as the next generation of the nation's struggle. Keywords: Teacher professionalism, pancasila student profile
Item Type: | Article |
Subjects: | L Education > L Education (General) |
Divisions: | Faculty of Law, Arts and Social Sciences > School of Education |
ID Code: | 941 |
Deposited By: | DRS. KADENI, SE.,M.Pd .,MM |
Deposited On: | 29 Jan 2022 01:55 |
Last Modified: | 29 Jan 2022 01:55 |
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