Rada , Tusila Sindia Putri and Cicik , Pramesti and Riki , Suliana RS (2022) PENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN ROPE (RELATING, ORGANIZING, PRACTISING, EVALUATING) PADA MATERI TURUNAN FUNGSI ALJABAR. Cakrawala Pendidikan, 26 (1). pp. 111-121. ISSN 1410-9883
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Official URL: http://digilib.stkippgri-blitar.ac.id
Abstrak: Guru perlu mengembangkan berbagai model maupun metode pembelajaran yang inovatif terutama dalam pembelajaran matematika. Salah satu model pembelajaran yang tepat untuk diterapkan pada materi turunan fungsi aljabar adalah ROPE (Relating, Organizing, Practising, Evaluating). Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas di kelas XI IIK-1 MA Bustanul Muta’allimin Blitar. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah tes akhir siklus dan observasi. Analisa data yang didapatkan tes akhir siklus dengan presentase ketuntasan klasikal 85,57% yang melebihi kriteria ketuntasan klasikal kelas XI IIK-1, rata-rata hasil observasi guru adalah 84,43% dengan kriteria baik dan rata-rata hasil observasi siswa adalah 86,14% dengan kriteria sangat baik. Hal ini sudah sesuai dengan kriteria keberhasilan yang sudah ditetapkan. Sehingga penelitian dalam penerapan model pembelajaran ROPE (Relating, Organizing, Practising, Evaluating) pada materi turunan fungsi aljabar kelas XI MA Bustanul Muta’allimin Blitar ini telah berhasil. Kata Kunci: model pembelajaran ROPE, turunan fungsi aljabar Abstract: The teachers need to develop various models as well as an innovative learning method, mainly in Mathematics subject. The one of proper learning model to be applied on Algebra function is ROPE (Relating, Organizing, Practising, and Evaluating). The type of this research is Classroom Action Research on XI grade class of IIK-1 MA Bustanul Muta’allimin Blitar. The instrument used is the final cycle test and observation. The result of data analysis obtained are with the final cycle test by classical completeness percentage acquired of 85,57% that exceeds the XI IIK-1 class' completeness classical criteria, there is teachers’ average observation result of 84,43% grouped in good criteria, and acquired that the students’ average observation result of 86,14% grouped in very good criteria. These results met success criteria that have been set. Therefore, the research on the implementation of the ROPE (Relating, Organizing, Practising, Evaluating) learning model in the subject of algebra function-derivative on XI grade MA Bustanul Muta’allimin Blitar has been succeeded. Keyword: ROPE learning model, algebra function-derivative
Item Type: | Article |
Subjects: | L Education > L Education (General) |
Divisions: | Faculty of Law, Arts and Social Sciences > School of Education |
ID Code: | 956 |
Deposited By: | DRS. KADENI, SE.,M.Pd .,MM |
Deposited On: | 22 Aug 2022 05:27 |
Last Modified: | 22 Aug 2022 05:27 |
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