Drs. R., HENDRO PRASETYANTO, M.Pd (2016) COIfESMDEVICESINENG]I"fSH.;:.I ,r;,. I.: , . LECTURERSANDTEACHEBSICONCLUDINGTEXTS. Cakrawala Pendidikan, 18 (1). pp. 67-72. ISSN 1410-9883
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Abstrak : Penelitian ini menyelidiki jenis PP, manifestasi mereka, dan jenis kalimat yang dipakai pada TS yang ditlrbitkan di Inspirations and Innova'tioni for English classrooms (2015). Temuan menuniukkan bahwa pp meliouti ddeeiikkss iis s -pp eerrssoonnaail sseebbaageaari rreeferen., substitusi,- kko6nnijuunni.!siii,- ddaahn ireepneettiissii vyannngo *-,.r,in".,u,1t dalam konteks endof,orik,,eksoporik, dalarn,kalintat, (3:l%)danrantar-rkalimat \69%). Guru dan dosen bahasa Inggris lebih suka menggunakan kalimat kompleks dalam TS. Implikasinya- ialah pdra peflgajar-YBahasa Inggris disarankan uqfpk memperluaspengetahuan meiela,mi.ngenii pR Kata Kg,pci; piranti perekat, te\s sj,nrpulan, , Key Wordp,: pohe$ivq devices, concluding texts .:::l ''iJlirij:t,ii:,r.::,,.:'1.r, t, ;1, I .:t.. and insiitutes, several of whom are still Abstrqct":.This research examines.types of CDs, th.eir,manifestation; the.most dominant types, and the sentence types used in CTs published in Inspirations and Innovati'ons for English Classroois (2015). The findings show that CDs persota! d911is a! f,gferences,.substitution, conjupction,,apd repetition 4-l"l4o a"rret , manifested in endofhora context'and exophora iontext anO inlnter-sentiintial cotrtext (31%) and intra-sentential context (69%). Last, English lecturers and teachers ryrefer t9,u!e complex sentences in their CTs. This impties that lecturers and teachers of English are recommended to more deeply enlarge their knowledge of CD
Item Type: | Article |
Subjects: | L Education > L Education (General) |
Divisions: | Faculty of Law, Arts and Social Sciences > School of Education |
ID Code: | 571 |
Deposited By: | DRS. KADENI, SE.,M.Pd .,MM |
Deposited On: | 06 Nov 2017 00:24 |
Last Modified: | 21 Dec 2017 05:20 |
Available Versions of this Item
- COIfESMDEVICESINENG]I"fSH.;:.I ,r;,. I.: , . LECTURERSANDTEACHEBSICONCLUDINGTEXTS. (deposited 06 Nov 2017 00:24) [Currently Displayed]
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