Varia, Virdania Virdaus (2016) ENHANCING LISTUNINC ABILITY THROUGH TPT BY USING ADOBE AUDITION 1'5. Cakrawala Pendidikan, 18 (1). pp. 36-46. ISSN 1410-9883
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Abstrak : Metode konvensional menciptakan kesalahan dalam menjawab per.tanyaan pud" -"-t-aloiiou-tirtr"inc.'"unilf menjawab masalah tersebut' oeneliti menerapkan TPT dengan *t.iiu eJoUe nuOitio,'' Pertanyaan dalam oenelitian ini adalah bagaimana aAlfe -auOition daoat meningkatkan k"*u*puun I istening manaliswa. O.t"ii Vuoi Aigunutun dalam penelitian ini adatah desain prK i'i.;#iffiH;;.il(etai) aEnean menerapkan 4 langkah ; 1) perencanaan; 2) pelaksanuu'. p'*Uti aii";3)-observasi dan 4) refleksi' Hasil penilaiann yrlfiitjn,l)*-"input memahami semua materi yang diberikan; 2) aktiviia's Ji t"ru, menjadi sangat menyenaxgkan, dan -tTIiL; 3) kemampuan tisteiffi ;;il;ri;*; reuin rieningkit; 4) mahasiswa semaktn tertarik untuk belajar listening dan 5);;;;;tbeiajai tis.*u lebih meningkat' Sedangkan olai riia-iata maiasit*u'p"i"-tLrus tce-z lebih baik dari pada sikluslyait t:Sil%op"oi t*i"J;;; i0'i' pada siklus ke-2' KataKunci: pengajaran listening, TPT' adobe audition 1'5 ed inthe teaching listening createdmistakes Abstact : The conventional method appli for the students t"';;;;; tht rittti'iniqutttiont' To -o.',:t^to*e the problem the researcher applied ipi *iift edoUe eiOition as a teaching media' The research questions wu, t o*.ortA aOoUe auAitionl.iUi uUle to improvi the student's listening ability? The re searcil;till.u *rt c r"*i""* action' Research (C AR)' applying the spiral model with 4 steps:tirst,t,p *u' ptu"ning second steo was acting, third step was observing, and fourth ,t.p *ur'i"it[.tiog. fir. ,"r"ur.h result were: l) the students could understand the English -";;iJ;irya"a clearlv' 2) the activities in class became joytul, happy and more.intl'r'eJ;;,']ry **"*' listening skill and their aohievement in English materials became more improved, 4) the students became more interest;d-il G;ing fiti#n[ "o*pttn"osion and 5) the students learning motivation-;;;"-t;"r. iior"u-t.o-."r'rtunintile' the mean of the students' scores ofcy"r. z *uri";;;iir;;;r.r" r, tilor.* ii"ssol,in"ycle 1 and70% in cvcle2' KeyWords : teaching listening, TPT' adobe audition 1'5
Item Type: | Article |
Subjects: | L Education > L Education (General) |
Divisions: | Faculty of Law, Arts and Social Sciences > School of Education |
ID Code: | 615 |
Deposited By: | DRS. KADENI, SE.,M.Pd .,MM |
Deposited On: | 07 Nov 2017 22:48 |
Last Modified: | 07 Nov 2017 23:23 |
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- ENHANCING LISTUNINC ABILITY THROUGH TPT BY USING ADOBE AUDITION 1'5. (deposited 07 Nov 2017 22:48) [Currently Displayed]
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