annisa, rahmasari and Saiful, Rifa'i (2015) PENGEMBANGAN MODUL EXPOSITORY ESSAY WRITING BERBASTS SCIENTIFIC APPROACH UNTUK MAHASISWA STKIP PGRI BLITAR. Cakrawala Pendidikan, 17 (2). pp. 234-241. ISSN 1410-9883
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Abstrak : Penelitian ini bermaksud secara specific untuk menyediakan Modul Pembelajaran Expository Essay Writing. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Pengem6angan (R & D) dengan menerapkan, model pengembangan modul yang dikembanglian oleh Diclq W.dan Carey, L. Langkah-langkah penelitian R & D terdiri dari 10 langkafi sebagai berikut: (1) Potensi dan masalah, (2) Pengumpulan data, (3) Desain produk, (a) Validasi desain, (5) Revisi desain, (6) Uji coba produk, (7) Revisi produk, (8) Uii cota pemakaian, (9) Revisi produk, dan (10) Produksi masal. Hasil uji coba kelompok besar dapat disimpulkan bahwa dari aspek sampul cover, kata pengantar, daftar isi, daftar :gambar, petunjuk/ panduan, kerangka isi pembelajaran, tujuan pembelajaran, uraian isi pembelajaran, rubric penilaian, daftar pustaka, dan rangkuman sudah layak digUnakan sebagai modul pembelajaran Expository Essay Writing. Kata Kunci : modul, expository essay writing, scientific approach Abstract : This research specifically aimed to construct a module of Expository Essay Writing. It applied Research and Development (R & D) approach, ofwhich the Dick,'W. and Cirey, -i model was applied. The steps of the research are as follows: (1) identificaiion of the problem, (1) collecting the data, (3) Product design, (4) validation, (5) Revision, (6) try out of the product, (7) revision of the product, (8) try out of th9 imptementation, (9) revision of the product, and ( I 0) multiplying of the product in a such significant number. Based on the result of the try out done in.a.big scale, it could b9 drawl a ionclusion that the cover, preface, table of content, table of gictures, teacher and student's guide, the ut line of content of the learning, the leaming objectives, the content of the module, the scoring rubrics, references, and the summary of the module are acceptableused as a learningmodule ofan expository essaywriting. Key Words : modul, expository essay writing, scientific approach
Item Type: | Article |
Subjects: | L Education > L Education (General) |
Divisions: | Faculty of Law, Arts and Social Sciences > School of Education |
ID Code: | 645 |
Deposited By: | DRS. KADENI, SE.,M.Pd .,MM |
Deposited On: | 09 Nov 2017 21:32 |
Last Modified: | 09 Nov 2017 21:32 |
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